Well. That was a close one...I have 7 rows left on this guy, and my yarn ran short. Thank goodness I was able to get the same colorway sent to a local yarn shop! Phew...nervous break down averted, haha. She will be finished soon! Hope everyone has been having a great spring...it feels so good to not have to bundle up to go outside. ;P I am getting psyched for visiting my family in a couple weeks! And getting to be back in my element---the beeeeeach! Yesssss. Happy Saturday! xo
I struggled for a week or so on a decision regarding the lion smooshy. I so badly wanted to include the ruffle mane, but it was looking too much like a baby's bonnet. Needless to say, I was very unsatisfied with the result, and was not keen on settling with a different type of mane(I know, I know...I'm stubborn). I will be incorporating the lion smooshy in the Mini collection, as it will look much better. So, the intended lion smooshy, I'm turning into an owl....am playing around with different faces...want to stay true to the smooshy-look....am thinking the beak is too big...what do you think?