
Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Wonderful Day With My Ladies

Today I spent a beautiful day with my Mom and my sister. We went for lunch at this Polish place in town and the food was so fresh and delicious! Nothing beats fresh authentic cuisine!

After lunch we stopped in The Bee hive. They have some really unique neat stuff there! A great place for gift shopping, which by the way, my mom got this super cute gift for me! Thank you Mom!
Yes. It is an owl. It is made out of wax, and the best glows!

I will have to share a photo of it glowing, once it gets dark out. I already know where I am going to want him in the future. He will be apart of my studio...once I have one, one day! :) Until then I think I may keep him on my dresser and be careful to make sure he doesn't melt!

To finish off the lovely day we of course couldn't go with out a good old Raspberry Lime Rickey from the Salem Willows! It's a summer classic around here. A Deeeeelicious one at that!

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